The topic of vaccination has become so politicized that I find myself hesitating to spread any bad news about vaccines, for fear the anti-vax crowd will blow it out of proportion. Shame on me for thinking that way: If I support evidence-based medicine – as I do, of course – then I can’t shy away from evidence that supports conclusions I dislike.
So here goes. I was dismayed but intrigued to read this article on Wired about “shoulder injury related to vaccine administration” or SIRVA, which the article said is “caused by a vaccine injected too high up on the arm. The prolonged pain and stiffness of SIRVA is distinct—in other words, much worse—than typical soreness from shots.”
A little Googling shows that this problem has been recognized for a while, although you have to wade through posts from the vaccines-cause-autism crowd to find legitimate medical discussion. It’s not clear what about vaccinations would cause a problem or how widespread it is, but it’s not nonsense. It’s also tied up in lawsuits and court action about vaccines – the Wired article was problem by the government’ s decision to add SIRVA to the Vaccine Injury Table, a list of vaccine complications for which getting compensation is easier and faster – which makes it harder to separate the informational wheat from chaff.
Despite learning about this I will still get my flu shot, and any other vaccines appropriate for me (I’m entering the age bracket where shingles vaccines are recommended) because I’m a grown-up and can judge relative risk.
interesting comments. The journalist from WIRED decided to lead my introduction with my son’s specific case. The article was about SIRVA. But it does appear that those who are pro-vax, like to continue to try to discredit anyone that talks about the risks of vaccination.
Regarding SIRVA, the reason for adding this injury (first of it’s kind) to the NVICP is because of the ever growing number of cases. There have been several decisions within the NVICP were petitions were stayed until civil lawsuits were dismissed and I have evidence of compensation outside of the NVICP between retail pharmacies and their customers. This scenario got Pharma very nervous and last fall, DOJ attorneys contacted retail pharmacies to stop the practice of compensating.
With the big push by CDC to expand flu vaccines outside of the tradition hospitals and clinics, untrained staff administering a flu shot incorrectly is a BIG concern.
There are currently 270 vaccines in the pipeline. Whilst I agree with
vaccination – I feel that the one size fits all model does not work. People who do not vaccinate are blamed for outbreaks when in fact there are problems with the vaccines themselves.
The current legislation to remove benefits to parents who choose to not vaccinate is punitive. The current vaccines are not working very effectively and herd immunity is not achievable.
a report was published by the Financial Post titled Vaccines Cannot Prevent Measles Outbreaks. Its author, Lawrence Solomon, reported on a paper written by Professor of Medicine and founder and leader of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, Professor Gregory A. Poland, titled The Re-emergence of Measles in Developed Countries, which was published two years ago.
“Thus, while an excellent vaccine, a dilemma remains. As previously mentioned, measles is extraordinarily transmissible. At the same time, measles vaccine has a failure rate measured in a variety of studies at 2 –10%, and modeling studies suggest that herd immunity to measles requires approximately 95% or better of the population to be immune.”
The current whooping cough vaccine spreads whooping cough by allowing people to have milder symptoms and thus socialising, working and going into public places. People may not even know they have the whooping cough. It also has mutated much the same as antibiotics do when overused – .An acellular whooping cough vaccine actually enhances the colonization of Bordetella Thus, we conclude that aP vaccination interferes with the optimal clearance of B. parapertussis and enhances the performance of this pathogen. Our data raise the possibility that widespread aP vaccination can create hosts more susceptible to B. parapertussis infection
“The problem is, the newer vaccines might not block transmission. by another research team demonstrated that giving baboons acellular pertussis vaccines prevented them from developing symptoms of whooping cough but failed to stop transmission.
A recent article published in the journal Pharmacological Research in which Shoenfeld and colleagues issue unprecedented guidelines naming four categories of people who are most at risk for vaccine-induced autoimmunity
Many reports that describe post-vaccination autoimmunity strongly suggest that vaccines can indeed trigger autoimmunity. Defined autoimmune diseases that may occur following vaccinations include arthritis, lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, dermatomyosiositis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and demyelinating disorders. Almost all types of vaccines have been reported to be associated with the onset of ASIA.”
ASIA – or Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (also known as Shoenfeld’s syndrome) — first appeared in the Journal Of Autoimmunology four years ago. It is an umbrella term for a collection of similar symptoms, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, that result after exposure to an adjuvant – an environmental agent including common vaccine ingredients that stimulate the immune system. Since then an enormous body of research, using ASIA as a paradigm, has begun to unravel the mystery of how environmental toxins, particularly the metal aluminum used in vaccines, can trigger an immune system chain reaction in susceptible individuals and may lead to overt autoimmune disease.
A PubMed search on aluminum and “toxicity” turns up 4,258 entries. Its neurotoxicity is well documented. It affects memory, cognition, psychomotor control; it damages the blood brain barrier, activates brain inflammation, depresses mitochondrial function and plenty of research suggests it is a key player in the formation of the amyloid “plaques” and tangles in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. It’s been implicated in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and autism and demonstrated to induce allergy
“Adjuvants have been used for decades to improve the immune response to vaccines, and among this large group, alumimum and silicone are most commonly described,” explains a paper in the July 2013 Immunologic Research, penned by four leading immunologists including Schoenfeld. “Nonetheless, as supported by increasing reports, although rarely vaccines are able to trigger the development of [autoimmune diseases] ADs in genetically susceptible humans, this could be ascribed to the presence of containing adjuvants. The time relationship between the vaccine delivery and overt disease can last from a few weeks to even years.”
The paper adds that a “now abundant literature shows that exposure of human and animals to aluminum from various sources can have deleterious consequences on the nervous system, especially in adults.”
Among the authors of that abundant literature is Canada’s Christopher Shaw, chairman of the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute and a researcher at the University of British Columbia who , at the IAC last week described aluminum as “insidiously unsafe.”
“That the aluminum ion is very toxic is well known,” said Shaw. “Its toxicity was recognized as long ago as 1911 and evidence of that has only been amplified since,” he said, especially in a growing body of evidence of aluminum’s role in Alzheimer’s disease and autism.
Though found in some food and water sources, since the 1920s, aluminum has been used in many and a growing number of vaccines, Shaw said, and “the compartment in which you put it in and the route of administration makes all the difference.”
“Aluminum is a demonstrated neurotoxin,” he added. “From the molecular level between ions and molecules, to the genome, to the protein and cellular level to the circuit level, there is no level of the nervous system that aluminum does not negatively impact.”
Shaw reported on his research on mice injected with aluminum doses equivalent to those in vaccine injections. They showed progressive loss of muscle strength and endurance, and at the cellular level, “profound loss of motor neurons.”
Hi David, I’m a scientist and 100% evidence-based thinker who unfortunately got SIRVA from a flu shot a few months ago. With the extra time on my hands (I used to be a rock climber, now I can’t do it any more) I made a website with a survey for other SIRVA-sufferers to take. Since your blog comes up when I search on SIRVA I thought I’d leave this here and hope that some of your readers unfortunate enough to suffer a SIRVA will come and take the survey to help me collect data on peoples’ recovery time and what worked for them. The survey is here: and it is completely anonymous. THANKS!