Science Cafe NH in Concord returns after our December hiatus: Tuesday from 6 to 8-ish at The Draft Sports Bar. The topic of the conversation is parenting: How do we know what works and what doesn’t work when raising kids? Is it science or just guesswork?

On Wednesday, the Piscataqua Science Cafe will talk about alternative energy at the Portsmouth Brewery, starting at 6 p.m.

Speaking of Concord, St. Paul’s School will have a couple of free talks from alumni this month – not cafes, alas, but still interesting. They’re in the Friedman Community Center, Raffini Commons, starting at 7 p.m.; free and open to all:

  • Friday, January 26: Jade Thomas “Fire > Water” – Thomas spent the summer working with the U.S. Forest Service to contain the wildfires in her native Montana & will discuss “the complexity of both wildland fire suppression and wildland fire science”
  • Monday, January 29: Dr. Taylor Schreiber ’and Josiah Hornblower, cofounders of Shattuck Labs, Inc., where they specialize in the research and development of cancer immunotherapy, which holds great promise for treating cancer (as was discussed at Science Cafe Concord in October).

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