I’m looking through proposals for wind and solar projects (and transmission lines) to provide “clean energy” to southern New England, seeing if any of them are near me. The proposals are redacted – a fancy legal term meaning “we hid stuff based on a whim, although we pretend it’s based on objective analysis”.
If you ever wonder why journalists whine about the difficulty of getting public information, this page from a proposal by RES Development in Connecticut may help demonstrate that our self-pity is at least partly justified.
I have been watching development for about 10 years now and have noticed that developers of all kinds miss the opportunity to be transparent in their intentions. In the short term, this behavior consistently leads to their proposals being shot down or at the least protracted in the approval process. Such behavior misses the opportunity of collaboration with others outside the development team. Such collaboration invariably leads to projects that at stronger and more sustainable both for themselves and the community in which they occur.