There a great piece by Mark Hayward of the Union-Leader about native brook trout being found in muddy little urban stream in Manchester. Read it here; it’s very good:
This is a neighborhood where the word forest is best used metaphorically to describe the hot asphalt, harrowing traffic and looming fast food signs that illuminate the night. It’s where fish talk centers on the menu at McDonald’s, Burger King or KC’s Rib Shack.
“KC’s Rib Shack”?
Native brook trout in New Hampshire are threatened all the usual suspects – pollution, loss of habitat, overdevelopment – plus one more: Our fondness for catching rainbow trout. Those trout, which are not native, have been stocked in many New Hampshire waterways and often overwhelm the locals. As a result, finding non-supplied native trout DNA is hard.
Here’s a 2010 Powerpoint from Plymouth State researchers about brook trout restoration efforts which includes mention of the Manchester project, about halfway down.