Science Cafe NH returned to Concord in March at a new location and we had a few logistical problems. But an edited (35-minute) video of the two-hour discussion about genes, genealogy and forensics is online courtesy of ConcordTV – you can see it here.

The April event, featuring three very different archaeologists to answer questions about the wild and wooly aspects of modern archaeology (like how often skeletons show up on construction sites in New Hampshire) will be this Wednesday, April 24, at 6 p.m. at Makris Lobster and Steak House. Details at the website.

Remember that you have to call  (225-7665) and RESERVE A SEAT if you want to attend. This is something new because we were swamped last time and had to turn people away. You can attend for free, but if you want to eat you have to buy a $15 buffet – no table service. There is a cash bar.




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