When I set up some online accounts for Granite Geek a few years ago it required a horizontal photo, so I put together the Granite Geek logo with one of my columns from the Concord Monitor. I had to choose a column that ran at the top of the page so it would show me and the paper’s masthead, and this is what I grabbed:

I might have to change the photo, since my column in today’s Monitor is headlined: “You know how 3D printing has been a dud? Well, maybe not … “
The column was prodded by a very technical conference at Dartmouth this week about “additive manufacturing,” which includes one talk titled (ominously) “Robotic Morphing Matter.” It seems that 3D printing (AP has dropped the hyphen since that first headline) has emerged from the valley of hype-cycle death to become important in biomechanics and soft robotics, among other things.
You can read the whole thing here. (If you read it early, you may have thought that my writing skills have deteriorating even further than usual; that’s because the first two paragraphs were cut off en route to the web.)