The six-state power grid has a queue of proposed generators. Getting the OK for feeding into the electrical system (and thus being paid for your output) is a necessary step if you want to get financing, among other things.
UtilityDive points out in an article the unexpected output of the current queue: “About 95% of nearly 21 GW of energy resources currently proposed for the New England region are grid-scale wind, solar and battery projects.” Barely 5% is natural gas.
This is astonishing because natural gas generates half or more of the electricity in the region and a huge percentage of power plants built in the past decade burned gas, or could switch between gas and oil as supplies needed. It really shows how renewables have gone from being a high-cost edge case to becoming central to electricity supplies.
From the article: “Of the nearly 14.3 GW of wind proposals currently in the ISO-NE interconnection queue, 13.5 GW are offshore wind projects in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut.”