Eric Orff, a wildlife biologist who used to work for the state and is well known in New Hampshire, is a rocket-launching buff. He tells me that he heads out to Odiorne State Park in the New Hampshire coastal town of Rye to watch them.
This Sunday’s launch of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket with a crewed capsule has him particularly excited.
“I have been watching several launches from right at the beach,” he said in a voice mail (I missed the call!). “Just hit the beach at I-A, get on top of the berm, look south at the horizon, you’ll see a bright dot. That is the first stage .. as it comes north, it is very easy to see!”
The launch is scheduled for 7:27 p.m. Sunday. (Weather bumped the original Saturday launch.)
He’ll be there, and I might be, too.