All over the country – in much of the world, in fact – there’s a logjam of renewable-energy projects trying to get connected to the grid. Basically the problem is that the system in most countries was built for the old grid, where power went one way from a relatively small number of large power plants, and doesn’t work for the new grid with a zillion power plants of all sizes that often send power both ways, starting with little rooftop solar projects like mine.

New Hampshire Public Radio has a good story today about the logjam in New Hampshire, which is as bad as anywhere. Read/listen to the whole story here. A snippet:

New Hampshire is one of 17 states that currently has a “D” grade from Freeing the Grid, an initiative that rates interconnection procedures across the country run by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council and Vote Solar. Each other New England state has a “C”. New Mexico is the only “A” state.

Freeing the Grid says New Hampshire does not have any of the criteria they consider for grading. That includes having specified timetables for interconnection reviews, sharing data, and having specific processes for resolving disputes. What’s saving New Hampshire from an “F” grade is that it has statewide interconnection procedures at all.

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