Science Cafe New Hampshire has taken advantage of going virtual to really expand their list of panelists. (No need to limit yourself any more to people who will drive to Concord or Nashua on a snowy night for free) The session tomorrow (Wed., Jan. 19) will ponder why we should pay attention to science at all, given all its problems and foibles. The panelist list is impressive:

So, given the ups and downs seen in science, what is the average person to do? Science Café presents 3 speakers who can help you understand the whats, whys and hows of following the science. Our panel consists of:

  • Dr. Robert Crease, a professor in the department of Philosophy at Stony Brook University in NY. He has authored, translated and edited over a dozen books on the history and philosophy of Science.
  • Dr. Alex Toker, a professor at Harvard Medical School, who‘s research  delves into cancer biology and who is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
  • Dr. Jonathan Moreno, professor at the University of Pennsylvania covering topics from History and Sociology of Science to Medical Ethics and Health Policy. Along with his books, he has published over a thousand papers, articles, reviews and op-eds.

You can watch on YouTube or Facebook Live – links are on the website.

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