The Union-Leader reports. (story here, behind paywall; why not subscribe to the state’s biggest newspaper?)

FedEx is ending the research and development of “Roxo” — a same-day delivery robot that was being developed with Manchester’s DEKA Research & Development Corp. The FedEx SameDay Bots are often seen cruising around the Millyard and other areas of the Queen City. The bot debuted outside Manchester City Hall in August 2019 as a last-mile delivery technology and has since been tested in cities around the world.

The story says it’s a cost-cutting move. So far as I can tell, the U-L is the only one with the story at the moment. It notes that Amazon has also halted development of its autonomous delivery robot.

The project got big press when it was announced in 2019, like here at Manchester InkLink. The project is part of DEKA’s autonomous robot unit.

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