The folks behind Vineyard Wind, which is in the process of building the first big (800 MW) offshore wind farm in the US* south of Martha’s Vineyard, have put forward a proposal to build a very big (1.2 GW) wind farm a little bit further out to sea.

Details (such as they are) are here. This will take a long time coming; the fact that Vineyard already has one wind farm approved makes it more likely to go forward.

Three other companies submitted bids for offshore wind off the south coast of New England as solicited jointly by Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. That story is here.

Meanwhile, Vineyard Wind 1 is approaching 100 MW in installed turbines sending power into the grid. Completion is projected by the end of the year.

*The offshore farm that recently began operating in Rhode Island Sound is just 130 MW; that’s not big by global offshore-wind standards. There are more than 30 GW (30,000 MW) of wind already operating in Europe’s North Sea.

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