Science Cafe NH takes December off, but when we return in January the Concord event will discuss electric cars. The prod for that topic is the arrival of the Chevrolet Bolt, the first mass-market electric car from a U.S. automaker (Tesla, while a wonder to behold, isn’t exactly mass market). The first Bolt was officially sold this week in California; I don’t think we’ll see them in New Hampshire for many months.

I think the Bolt could make, or possibly break, the adoption of electric vehicles in this country – which is why I’m happy that  Mike Mercer, technical service director for Banks Chevrolet in Concord and an electric-vehicle guru, will be one of the panelists at the Jan. 17 event. We’ll also Rebecca Ohler of NH Department of Environmental Services, a longtime electric-vehicle advocate, and Robert Willis, an engineer who is chief electrical inspector for Dartmouth’s Formula Hybrid electric-car racing. Should be good … as always.

In Nashua (Jan. 4)  the topic will be cybersecurity, discussing DDOS attacks like the one that crippled Dyn.

Future topics this year: Seasonal Affective Disorder (“winter blues”); imaging visualization; New Hampshire’s “silver tsunami” and demographics; and composting. Details are here on – where you can also request to be added to our mailing list.

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