by David Brooks | Dec 1, 2015 | Economy-Business, None
New England has more than enough capacity to meet electricity demands this winter, but the organization that oversees the regional grid continues to warn that the region needs more reliable supplies of natural gas to avoid future problems. ISO New England, which...
by David Brooks | Nov 3, 2015 | None, Science-Technology
Confession is good for the soul, they say, so let me confess some apiary sins: Three times over the past decade, my family beehive has failed to survive the winter. That’s at least 100,000 insects who have gone to meet their maker under the Brooks family watch....
by David Brooks | Oct 14, 2015 | Economy-Business
New Hampshire’s energy picture got two surprising pieces of news Tuesday: The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station on Boston’s South Shore plans to shut down in the next few years, and the state’s largest natural-gas plant changed ownership for $500 million. Both reflect the...