America may be changing its traveling habits – hipsters moving to cities so they can bicycle to work, and all that – but in public-transit-challenged New Hampshire, nothing much has changed in five years.
According to the American Community Survey, a sort of running census of the U.S. done by the Census Bureau between the decadal census, the percentage of New Hampshire commuters who drive themselves to work alone in their own vehicle is unchanged in the past five years: 81.6 percent did so statewide in 2010, and 81.4 percent did so in 2014, which is well within the margin of error. Those who reported using public transportation was under 1 percent, less than carpooling (9%), walking (8%) and working at home (5%).
Even in Hillsborough County, our most urbanized county, right on the Mass. border with some access to intercity buses and almost to intercity rail, the drive-alone figure was 82.4 percent.
If you want to gorge on this and lots of other data, go here and start number-crunching.