Recent patents issued in New Hampshire

Recent patents issued to New Hampshire companies and individuals include: Multinational Resources, Newfields, N.H., has been assigned a patent (9,240,291) developed by two co-inventors for a rugged keypad. The co-inventors are Christopher Wolfe, Derry, N.H., and Steve...

If the skeeters don’t get him then …

Today I am writing stories about the Zika virus and tainted city drinking water, so a variant of the chorus from the cheezy song “Everglades” is stuck in my head: “If the skeeters don’t get him then the lead-pipes will.” (No, I...
Humanity is doomed: A.I. can even beat us at Go

Humanity is doomed: A.I. can even beat us at Go

Chess : checkers :: Go : chess That statement (“chess is to checkers as Go is to chess”) is a succinct, if arrogant, expression of the belief held by many that the east Asian board game of Go is far deeper than the western board game of chess. (I’m...

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