The Union-Leader reports “Ice-Out on Lake Winnipesaukee is imminent, which means the winter of 2016 will likely have the earliest such call since records have been kept.”
This follows what is probably the latest-ever call of “Ice-In”, which only happened in February.
“Lake Sunapee area residents are also watching Ice-Out on their lake, and they also may have a record-breaker. Ice-Out there may also occur in the next few days, according to the Lake Sunapee Facebook page. The earliest Ice-Out date on that lake was on March 22, 2012.”
Winter ain’t what it used to be. And it’s going to get worse – which makes you wonder whether
expanding Sunapee Ski Area is a good idea.
Ice out on Sunapee was Friday, March 18th! It’s foolish to be expanding Mount Sunapee State Park with west facing ski slopes! This expansion will degrade the environment and make the park less affordable and enjoyable for the many while benefiting the few. Additionally, the new ski lift will cut through a state protected forest with ancient trees, some 200 years old! Mount Sunapee State Park and it western flank contains a forest of state wide importance that deserves protection.