New Hampshire’s per-capita CO2 emissions have fallen 25 percent from 2000 to 2013, according to the U.S. Department of Energy – better than the national average of 19 percent.
Massachusetts’ figure also declined 25 percent, Vermont down 19 percent and Maine down a whopping 30 percent, probably because it shut its only coal-fired power plant during that time as well as cutting back on oil-fired power production.
As you’ll see from the chart, shown above, New Hampshire’s per-capita CO2 emission soared through 2003, then nose-dived. That rise may be a reflection of how often the coal-fired Merrimack Station power plant in Bow was used each year, although that’s just a guess.
IF D BROOKS WAS AS SMART AS HE AND OTHERS THINK THAT HE IS. He wouldn’t even be writing about carbon dioxide levels, because he would be writing about how fast we can develop new technologies. My take on Brooks (D) is that he’s not capable of understanding much.
29 GEORGE BENNETT ROAD, LEE, NH 03861 603 365 0251
Our study reveals that economically viable alternatives are readily available that precludes the necessity for burning trash or fossil fuels to make electricity.
The best alternative is the molten salt thermal generator; the MIT students’ Molten Salt Reactor. The Transatomic Power Inc. reactor design proposes to use spent nuclear fuel that is costing us billions to store and is more than 95 % efficient whereas existing reactors are only about 3 % efficient. Plutonium can be used and altered to prevent it from being used for nuclear weapons.
I contend that this reactor could be built, tested and placed into service very quickly. Congress needs to allow another Admiral Hyman Rickover type to “get the job done”, while requiring that the Nuclear Reg. Comm. not be allowed “to study” the design for the next 50 years, if at all.. We need to develop this technology in the U.S. and prevent the Dept. of Energy and others from transferring the technology to China.
We need to pull another Bill Gates style maneuver by purchasing all spent nuclear material in lieu of (alternate to) foreign aid and corner the market. Then we can sell the power plant with the fuel.
Another economically viable and eco-friendly alternative is readily available that uses gasification to convert municipal solid waste (MSW) and even coal into synthetic products while using the waste heat to generate electricity. These plants are being built in Europe and other so-called “undeveloped” nations. I contend that when emissions restrictions become stringent enough this technology will also be used in this country. We can also process CO2 from other power plants.
I contend that the Greens “technology diners” and are part of the problem because they refuse to participate in solutions.
William E. Fortune for Industrial Consultants Inc. and Dated: June 12, 2015 Lee, NH 03861 603 365 0251