In New Hampshire lawmaking there is something called an LSR, for Legislative Service Request, which is basically a very first draft at a bill that lawmakers want to get passed. Hundreds of them land at this time of year, jostling to get into line for hearings and all the other legislative hoo-hah needed to create a law.

At this point, all you know about an LSR is its title. Finding out more requires hunting down the legislator(s) who sponsored it, which is non-trivial. I haven’t done any of that yet, but to whet your appetite for the coming legislative season, I skipped through the list (you can scroll through it here if you want) to find some titles that might make the geeks among us say “Hmmmm – that sounds intriguing”:

  • relative to ranked-choice voting (this is a perennial topic favored by the libertarian types, who no doubt got a boost when it passed in Maine last year, although that state has since put it on hold for legal reasons)
  • relative to the cybersecurity software used by the state of New Hampshire
  • establishing a committee to study redesigning the state flag. (geeks are really into vexillology)
  • establishing a committee to study the changes in law necessary to allow for microgrids in electricity supply.
  • prohibiting the use of the far left lane on the interstate for anything other than passing (geeks are really into “logical driving”)
  • relative to digital electronic product repair (I assume this is a freedom-to-repair bill, which would be very cool)
  • relative to telemedicine (this is probably regulatory rather than technical).
  • removing tetanus from the law requiring certain immunizations (part of continuing push by anti-vax folks to weaken state vaccination laws)

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