This is a breaking story as I am putting together the newsletter, and more details may emerge. This news is good for the patient who doesn’t have measles, but it’s unfortunate for those of us trying to prevent anti-vaccine foolishness from deluding the public. One of the group’s flawed arguments is to exaggerate the possibility and danger of vaccine reactionss; you can be sure they’ll trumpet this.

A warning last week that measles was detected in a child who lived in Keene has been withdrawn, with the state saying that the patients was actually showing a reaction to the vaccine. 

“There is no contagious measles known to be circulating in the community,” the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement Thursday morning.

“Serious or extensive reactions (to the MMR vaccine) that resemble a real measles virus infection, as was seen in this child, are very rare. The scientific literature has found no confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission of the vaccine strain of the measles virus,” DHHS said.

On Sunday, DHHS issued a warning that a New Hampshire who apparently had measles was in several public places while infectious. It was the first case of a state resident with measles in many years. 

Several areas of the country are facing outbreaks of measles, a disease that had been eradicated from the country in 2000 but which has returned because of opposition to vaccines, including the MMR vaccine that protects against measles.

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