… the daring jumping spider, of course.
So say elementary students in the town of Hollis and they’re absolutely correct. Jumping spiders – little arachnids that don’t spin webs but hunt down their prey like tiny, extra-legged wolves – are fascinating. Orb-weavers just sit there and wait but these folks are on the prowl!
Here’s a story about the push. Call you state legislator and support this push immediately!
good choice. I think jumping spiders are really smart. I once moved one from the back of my chair at an ice cream stand (I was afraid it would get squished). i moved it to a tree about 10 ft away. It was a long walk back for the little spider, but it immediately set out down the tree, across the lawn, and over the stone path. I watched its progress and felt bad about moving it. It was back to its spot by the time I finished my cone.