National Wind Watch came to see how folks felt about the Antrim Wind Power after it was finally built following a long, contentious legal battle. You will not be surprised to hear that opinions built up over years of debate haven’t changed much:
Almost a year after nine wind turbines began spinning atop the Tuttle Hill ridgeline in the small town of Antrim, New Hampshire, few area residents appear to have changed their minds about the hotly debated project.
Those who supported it – a majority of Antrim residents, according to Select Board Chair Mike Genest – continue to do so.
“Most people looked at it as being a green thing, and I think that’s still the general consensus in town,” Genest said.
At the same time, those who were vocally opposed say the noise and visual disturbances are as bad as they expected.
“Everything that we expressed as a concern has come to fruition,” said Geoffrey T. Jones, chair of the conservation commission in neighboring Stoddard. “The number of places that you can see these towers, and the way they kind of ambush you when you come around a corner on a road you haven’t been down for awhile – I’ll never get used to it.”
The whole story can be read right here.