From UNH News Service: The NH Small Business Development Center (NH SBDC) at the University of New Hampshire and the NH Tech Alliance have teamed up to offer cybersecurity knowledge and resources to small businesses in the Granite State. According to research from the Ponemon Institute, 66% of small businesses have been the target of a cyber-attack and 63% were victims of a data breach.
“As the cybersecurity landscape continues to change rapidly, so must a business’ strategy and operations,” said Liz Gray, NH SBDC state director. “Small businesses can no longer afford to remain unaware of cyber threats or complacent with inadequate technology. They need to take action to enhance their systems and processes to remain resilient in today’s online economy.”
The Cybersecurity Initiative will launch Tuesday, April 13, at 11 a.m. with a virtual event featuring cybersecurity and technology experts Jeremy Hitchcock, currently co-founder and CEO of wifi management and IoT security startup, and Ryan Robinson of Mainstay Technologies. The initiative will provide a web-based training program that guides businesses through cyber planning practices based on five central concepts: identify, protect, detect, respond and recover. Content will be delivered via a monthly webinar series, blog articles and eCourses. Businesses can also access one-on-one confidential advising from SBDC’s team of business advisors. All program offerings are provided free of cost to New Hampshire enterprises.
A major component of the initiative is access to the Data Assured program. Data Assured materials include an easy-to-use workbook to help businesses protect themselves from a cyber-attack and to help them recover from a cyber-attack. Upcoming webinars include Jacob Blacksten with the Delaware SBDC, developer of the Data Assured program, presenting May 6, on how to use the workbook, and “Identifying Cybersecurity Risk for Small Businesses” presented by Mainstay Technologies May 17.
NH SBDC is releasing “Cybersecurity for Small Businesses,” its first cybersecurity eCourse, as part of the cybersecurity initiative. The eCourse, developed by Khole Gwebu, associate professor of decision sciences, offers an overview of small business preparedness, including mitigating the risk of an attack, handling incidents and handling remote worker concerns.
NH Tech Alliance executive director Julie Demers noted that “The increased remote workforce of many small businesses has underscored the importance of a business strategy and operating plan that prioritizes cybersecurity. We are thrilled to be able to provide an opportunity for the cybersecurity experts in our membership to share their experience and expertise with NH’s small businesses.”
For more information, including the Data Assured Program workbook, cyber eCourse and other resources visit