Voters at Boscawen town meeting on Saturday overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to end the town’s property tax break for solar panels. (It’s at the bottom of this story by a reporter who sat through *all six hours* of the meeting!) The vote was 99-38.

Boscawen is among at least 140 towns and cities in New Hampshire that do not include the value of home “solar energy systems” when calculating property tax. This move was made possible by a state law dating clear back to 1971 and is an important incentive for people to install solar panels.

Boscawen voters created the exemption in 2011 and reaffirmed it at town meeting in 2021, but an article on the most recent town meeting warrant next week would remove it. Lorrie Carey, chair of the Boscawen select board, said the idea was proposed at a public hearing by residents looking to cut their taxes, and the select board put it on the warrant to see public reaction.

More background is at a story I published last week, right here.

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