These days we only go into the Boston area to dance (Boston Swing Central in Cambridge), although I might visit Fenway this summer since the Sox are lousy so I can get tickets.

Here’s another possibility: Boston is one of 14 US and Canadian cities that host an informal monthly MathsJam:

MathsJam is a monthly opportunity for like-minded self-confessed maths enthusiasts to get together in a pub and share stuff they like. Puzzles, games, problems, or just anything they think is cool or interesting. We don’t have organised talks, planned activities or even strict timings – just turn up and join in.

We meet on the second to last Tuesday of every month, from 7pm or 7.30pm in the evening. Events happen simultaneously (where possible) in locations all over the world.

Sounds like a good chance for me to publicly realize how rusty my math skills have gotten!

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