In what appears to be the first case of AI-created political lies (aka “misinformation”), some New Hampshire voters have received robocalls that sound like President Biden telling them not to vote, a message that “appears to be artificially generated” and should be ignored, says the Attorney General’s Office.

The message, which was sent on Sunday sounded as if Biden was saying “your vote makes a difference in November, not this Tuesday.”   

The message appears to have been faked to make it seem as if it was by the treasurer of a political committee supporting the New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Primary write-in efforts for President Biden.  The message directed recipients who wished to be removed from a calling list to call the number belonging to this person. 

”These messages appear to be an unlawful attempt to disrupt the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Election and to suppress New Hampshire voters.  New Hampshire voters should disregard the content of this message entirely,” the Attorney General’s Office said in a release. “Recipients of this message are additionally encouraged to send an e-mail to the Department of Justice Election Law Unit ( identifying (1) the date and time they received the call or message; (2) the origin of the call or message; (3) the content of the call or message; and (4) any other relevant information.”

Advances in the technologies called artificial intelligence have made it extremely easy to generate audio recordings and even video recordings that look and sound as if they were produced by somebody else. This has raised concern about misinformation during election season.

or more details on that issue, see the Granite Geek column from Jan. 16.

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