New Hampshire’s push to carve out a niche in the biomedical field by creating a research and development center for tissue regeneration has gotten another boost: $44 million from, the amount that “ReGen Valley” — the marketing tag for the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI) — got for being one of 12 Tech Hubs by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration.

Story on the new award is here.

ARMI is based in Manchester’s Millyard although it is creating a presence throughout the state, with the recent grant targeting work in Nashua. It grew out of work done by Dean Kamen’s DEKA Research company. Kamen, of course, got his start by inventing a portable infusion pump that revolutionized some aspects of health care and showed the promise of melding technology and biology, just as ARMI is doing in a different way.

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