N.H. Press Release: A registry of New Hampshire properties enrolled in carbon credit programs is now available online, the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands announced today.
The registry includes the legal name of each property owner; reference to the tax map and lot number of the subject land; name of the program, program registry or registries under which the subject land is enrolled; date of enrollment in a forest carbon credit program and acreage of subject land.
Currently, five landowners are listed in the registry. Properties are located in Belknap, Carroll, Coös, Grafton, Merrimack and Strafford Counties.
The division is only tasked with tracking those NH landowners who have enrolled in a carbon credit program. It is not enforcing any program compliance requirements.
“To facilitate the reporting process, the Division of Forests and Lands contacted the landowners directly to obtain the required information. Without exception, they were all cooperative and willing to assist us in the process,” said Patrick Hackley, Division of Forests and Lands director and New Hampshire state forester. “Now anyone interested in finding out about carbon credit program enrollment in New Hampshire has a resource for this information.”
The N.H. Carbon Forest Registry can be found at nhdfl.dncr.nh.gov/forest-carbon-climate-change. The Division of Forests and Lands will update the registry periodically as new information becomes available.