ADDENDUM: Republicans on the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee recommended Feb. 7 that this silly bill be passed by the full house. 10-7 vote.

Any parent knows how exhausting it is to have to cajole and drag along a toddler who doesn’t want to do something which is good for them. They whine and throw tantrums and spout nonsense and you have to cope with it all instead of doing something useful.

That’s how I feel about dealing with climate-change deniers.

I’m sick to death of their endless pretense that a world-altering problem doesn’t exist because it’s too scary for them to face. The amount of energy and time we waste repeating facts and evidence and swatting down silly conspiracy theories is insane when we need all the energy and time we can muster to solve real problems. You want to shake them and shout “Stop being a toddler! This is serious!!!”

The latest toddlers are four New Hampshire legislators who have sponsored a fatuous piece of legislation that seeks to derail any state action to deal with or mitigate climate change by pretending that the topic needs to be studied more, blathering on about “long history of climate alarmism” and “fraudulent research and media reporting” and other imaginary problems. It’s the same old baloney that was semi-reasonable to contemplate 20 years ago, was tired a decade ago, and is positively embarrassing to trot out today.

It should get laughed out of committee so legislators can turn their attention to real work.

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