Inventors who go on to build companies know that “first-mover advantage” can disappear in a heartbeat. Dean Kamen, who is best known nationally for the Segway fizzle but better known hereabouts for creating and lead DEKA, the R&D firm, and in the process resurrecting the Manchester Millyard, is well aware of this fact.
So, being properly paranoid, Kamen is already fretting that the still-wet-behind-the-ears biofabrication industry (building body parts, from skin to organs to muscle and bone, to help patients) that is being created around the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute in the Millyard is going to be left in the dust by other regions. He made this pitch to New Hampshire Business Review in this article, which says “the grand plan inventor Dean Kamen has for ARMI, is to make Manchester and its surrounding communities the hub of a predicted global biofabrication boom — the regenerative manufacturing equivalent of Silicon Valley.”
A little hyperbolistic, perhaps, but not unrealistic.
The article includes many of the pro-NH traits often cited by boosters (we’re cheapskates but we’re nimble! we’re close to Boston! there are tax benefits!). Whether they’ll be enough to keep researchers, startups and industry spinoffs from moving to bigger lands as the technology developers is hard to say
Dean Kamen is not only a visionary and an individual of great individual accomplishment, he has also brought an energy, drive and purpose to the Millyard which needs to be recognized and supported. We should – must really – honor the past and know where we came from but we must also vigorously support ‘next-generational’ technologies or be left behind. Total kudos to Mr. Kamen for what he has accomplished and for what is yet to come. – Mark W. Baer Trustee of the Ralph H. Baer Trust