People in all the New England states have been talking for a while about doing something different with time zones, usually dropping the twice-yearly switcheroo and sticking with one or the other of the possibilities. Nothing has come of it and I suspect nothing will because Boston doesn’t want to get out of sync with New York City and the rest of us don’t want to get out of sync with Boston.

We’re not the only ones considering the idea, however. As the Montreal Gazette reports (story is here):

 Justice Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette launched a public consultation, titled Daylight Savings: For or Against?, on the time change, and said the government could subsequently table legislation to abolish the decades-old and much-maligned tradition.

However, the article note “the Quebec government wants to hear Quebecers’ thoughts about scrapping the twice-yearly time change, but it isn’t promising to act on them.”

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