Concord Patch, one of the few functioning chapters left from that noble effort to create a national network of local news outlets, has posted an item with pictures from some people who say they saw a UFO over Concord. It’s the classic “I don’t know what it is, therefore it must be space aliens” argument. I won’t link to it because what’s the point? You’ve seen the same vague light/shape/movement picture/film a zillion times.
I mention it only because Ryan Mullahy of Keene, who runs New Hampshire UFO Research, brought it to the attention of the Concord Monitor. He hoped that if we picked up the story, we’d give it a little context. (We won’t pick it up, by the way.)
Here’s the context, from a guy who’s been looking at such photos and videos “for 20 years”: The UFOs are lens reflections from the parking-lot lights that you can see in the bottom of the pictures.
Mullahy is not a UFO skeptic; he gives talks about the possibility, even likelihood, that unidentified sightings have happened. He contacted us not to pooh-pooh the idea of UFOs, just to pooh-pooh this particular sighting, which he dismissed as “clickbait”.
“There have been a lot of credible UFO sighting in New Hampshire. When this sort of stuff comes along … it’s really detrimental to actual, credible UFO sightings,” he said.
Personally, I don’t think any credible UFO sightings exist, but we agreed to disagree on that topic. I said I’d be happy to pass along his expertise – so I have.
Interesting video, but if it was real and that guy recording it asked others to verify it, we’d have other video proof. Thus I don’t yet believe it either.
I never any UFO disks, but when I was a child in Concord, MA I watched a meteor shower in the 1960’s one night and saw something strange. It was the middle of winter and I was trying to make an ice rink in the back of my parent’s home. I was staring at the shooting stars. All of them were shooting down at a 45 degree angle. I noticed one star nearby seemed to be bright enough to notice because the intensity of it was changing thus it was flickering. That star caught my eye. I suddenly saw that flickering star move quickly at a 45 degree angle up to the right. It took me a few seconds to realize no shooting star behaves that way. I told my parents, but they didn’t believe me. Never seen anything like that since.
I am a skeptic but I have seen something I could not explain in New Hampshire. I am a 44 year old life long resident of this great state & up until this point I have never seen anything that I could not explain prior to this…hoping somebody could give me a explanation of what I seen! One evening in 2013 it was late summer, around 10:30pm. I was on my back deck smoking a cigarette & I had noticed a weird light source up in the sky just to the right of my neighbors house. My house sits a little lower than my neighbors & is about 200 feet away. I thought his house was on fire because the sky had a red glow & was shimmering like something was on fire. I looked at my neighbors house & indeed it was NOT on fire & he wasn’t home. This area of the sky looked like the clouds were on fire, that is how bright it was. It had a red / orange color & it enveloped the whole sky to the south of my house above a set of trees & my neighbors house. I could not believe what I was seeing so I had yelled to my wife to come out & look…she was amazed! She thought that there was a fire in the woods, that’s how bright it was!! Can somebody please explain this away for me!?!?
Aurora, by any chance? Were you looking north?
Everyone in concord knows the truth about the airport / military base on the heights. We know about the underground bunkers and the space camp training site that burnt down during a test run of the gama ray on top of the state house. Known facts.
This guy expects us to believe a lens flare moves offscreen? Go watch any video with a lens flare in it, and you’ll see its pretty static. What do you have to gain by discrediting this guy? Who payed you?