I ran the following item in the Concord Monitor on Wednesday. By noon Thursday, I had heard from more than two dozen people who have working dial telephones in their kitchens, garages, woodsheds (yes, woodshed) or camp. The Dial Isn’t Dead!
I’ll have a story in a week or two. In the meantime, you don’t need to let me know if you have a rotary phones; I’m good.
Technology changes all the time, causing us to abandon objects that were once central to our lives. (I’m looking at you, VCR.)
But sometimes the old objects stick around through inertia if nothing else, still useful even if no longer up to snuff.
I’m looking for one of those: The rotary phone.
If you, or anybody you know living in New Hampshire still has a working dial telephone plugged into your wall, I want to hear about it. A broken Princess phone stashed in the attic doesn’t count, nor does a disconnected Kettle Classic model bought in an antique store and used as retro decoration.
I have to believe that somewhere in New Hampshire lurks a working, connected-to-the-network dial phone and I’m determined to find it.
If you can help, leave a comment or send an email at dbrooks@cmonitor.com or call me at 369-3313. If you call from the dial telephone, you’ll absolutely make my day.
love my rotary 500 60 rotary phone . It’s still on my breakfast bar.