For the last four* years I’ve been a pretty regular interviewee on the Tuesday broadcast of All Things Considered on New Hampshire Public Radio, talking about my column in the paper that week. It’s a labor-non-intensive way (and free – no money changed hands) to get more science/tech stuff on NHPR and for me to get a bigger audience for really important news like this or this.
But all things must pass and NHPR wants to shift its focus a bit, so I won’t be doing my weekly chats with Peter Biello any more. (If you’re a member or a regular NHPR listener and have an opinion about this change, I’m sure they’d love to hear it.) I’ll still be on occasionally, I think – in fact, I’m supposed to be a guest Tuesday morning on The Exchange to talk about invasive insects and roadkill squirrels.
But that’s not all, faithful listener: Thanks to the Monitor’s new and growing series of podcasts, you can hear recordings of me mispronouncing things at least as often as you did before! Just go the GraniteGeek podcast website to listen, or subscribe at one of those podcast-subscribing places.
* or maybe it’s five years – I lose track
Is there a direct URL for the RSS feed? I don’t use Stitcher, iTunes, Google Music, or Podbean. I just have a cron job going on a Raspberry Pi to run a shell script each night, and that uses the direct RSS. Maybe a little too geeky, but it works for me.
try this …
Thank you – that link worked perfectly!