Microgrids – large-ish collections of buildings that can power themselves for at least a while independently of the main power grid – are seen as one of the ways that the electric system can cope with the new reality of renewables and distributed energy. New Hampshire, which isn’t exactly at the forefront when it comes to energy, is probably going to study how and whether to implement them in our state. I have a story in today’s Monitor – right here.
California set up several of these a few years ago and is starting to see the benefits and drawbacks, reports Greentech Media. A big monetary advantage: trimming peak costs.
When electric companies loose revenue they will act in the best interests of their stockholders and raise rates to make up for lost revenue.
Since electric companies are regulated utilities, they will need to convince the regulating authority in each state that raising rates is in the best interest of ratepayers and the overall grid – that’s not straightforward.