More bike lanes? Horses allowed on I-93? Passenger rail up to Concord? Electric buses? Wider roads? People-carrying drones? Hydrogen-powered tuk-tuks?
New Hampshire wants your transportation ideas.
New Hampshire Department of Transportation is seeking 5,000 state residents to provide virtual public input on the 10 Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which will shape spending over the next decade.
They’ve set up this online survey to gather ideas:
If you want to be part of it, surveys need to be completed by November 12.
To meet New Hampshire’s transportation needs, the following should be implemented:
1. Financial support for The DownEaster
2. Establishment of Commuter Rail from Concord south to Massachusetts
3. Create intra New Hampshire bus service, especially east-west, knowing it will take time for the service to become viable.
4. Establish a state government office to encourage and assist in shared ride commuter trips.
5. Secure monies through user fees to better maintain state highways.
6. With state matches, have towns better maintain local roads.