Local advertising revenue, such as it was, has completely disappeared overnight due to COVID-19 and local newspapers are falling by the wayside as a result. The family-owned Concord Monitor, financial and spiritual home of Granite Geek, is not folding but our business plan has exploded and we’re definitely reeling, trying not to make cuts at a time when everybody is begging for local news.

That’s why the paper has set up a system in case you, Loyal Reader, care to help.

Although the Monitor has no doubt published things that you dislike or disagree with over the years, I hope you’ll agree that even so it is an important part of life in central New Hampshire. So perhaps you’ll consider adding us to the long list of organizations and businesses asking for extra help to stay afloat.

If you’re so inclined, check out the donation site by clicking here.

Thanks and stay healthy.

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