NH patents through Nov. 17

(Links to each patent can be found here, using the patent number or inventor’s name.) By Targeted News Service WASHINGTON – The following federal patents were assigned in New Hampshire through Nov. 17. *** Optical Identifier and System for Reading Same NEURSCIENCES...
Our winters have really, really warmed

Our winters have really, really warmed

An analysis from the site Climate Matters quantifies what is already obvious to those of us pining for the days when there was ice skating before Thanksgiving: winters in the Northeast have warmed faster than just about anywhere. The whole analysis, with...

We’re in the midst of a flash drought

Three years ago I first learned of the concept of a “flash drought,” the dry flip side of a flash flood. As I wrote at the time, the term ” sounds like an oxymoron since ‘drought’ usually reflects accumulated dryness rather than a...

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