Sci/tech tidbits in and around New Hampshire
Inventor of social-media hashtag is a NH boy
The Union-Leader's Dave Pierce has a profile of a local boy (Manchester West grad who grew up Bedford) who developed the hashtag for social-media sites in 2007. The article is here. As an early technology user, Messina first tweeted the idea to his followers and then...

2024 was hottest year on record for Concord – a record that, unfortunately, won’t last
According to the National Weather Service in Gray, Maine, last year was the warmest year in Concord since record-keeping began in 1868. The year finished with an average temperature of 49.6 degrees, 0.2 degrees higher than 2023, the previous hottest year on record....
Can the Cog Railway be electrified?
The Caledonian-Record has a story about UNH and the Cog Railway on Mt. Washington working to electrify the iconic mountain-climbing train. "This privately funded quarter-million dollar project aims to have a prototype ready by 2025" and will have "modular components...
Science on Tap: ‘Extinction Here & There’
The SEE Science Center’s twelfth season of Science on Tap discussions continues Tuesday, Jan. 14. Science on Tap events are informal discussions with local scientists and experts on a particular topic. On Tuesday January 14th the topic will be: Extinction Here...
You can get a local-news-ish product built entirely by A.I. … should I be worried?
I promise that this column was written by me and not by artificial intelligence. The fact that I have to write such a sentence says volumes about where we are at the moment. Here’s another one of those volumes: You can get a weekly email summarizing what happened at...
Migration from other countries props up NH’s tepid population growth
People coming from other countries are playing an increasingly important role in New Hampshire’s small but consistent population growth, recent Census data shows. The number of adults and children living in the Granite State grew 2.3% between the 2020 Census and 2024,...
State is keeping a nervous eye on bird flu
New Hampshire is gearing up to join a federal program testing dairy cattle for virulent strains of bird flu, which so far has been detected here only in some wild birds in early 2024. In other parts of the country, concern about Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is...
Registry of NH carbon credit properties now online
N.H. Press Release: A registry of New Hampshire properties enrolled in carbon credit programs is now available online, the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands announced today. The registry includes the legal name of each property owner; reference to the tax map and lot...
“Fir waves” – the cycle of life and death in White Mountain trees
The always great Something Wild segment on NHPR has a cool discussion of tree patterns in the White Mountains, especially "fir waves." When trees growing on this thin soil rock back and forth in the wind, they break their fine feeder roots. As they grow taller, their...
UNH Space Tech Hub gets first partnership (for $180K)
he University of New Hampshire Space Tech Hub, part of the Space Science Center, today announced plans to partner with Laconia, N.H.- based Rogue SpaceSystems to build a 3D learning model that will provide information on high-energy electrons in space, helping plan...