by David Brooks | Nov 17, 2015 | None, None
It wasn’t so long ago that solar panels were only embraced by off-grid engineering hippies. Boy, have things changed. “Most consumers that we speak with have a basic understanding at this point, have either seen it or have first-hand knowledge through acquaintances or...
by David Brooks | Oct 19, 2015 | Science-Technology
How many phone calls do you receive each night from pollsters? Yeah, me too. February can’t come soon enough. But even though I say “no thank you” through clenched teeth and hang up every time that #$%@! phone interrupts dinner, that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in...
by David Brooks | Sep 15, 2015 | Science-Technology
It says something about fishing in New Hampshire waters – but not something terribly good – that our two highest-profile species are fading away. In fresh water, it has been many years since the Atlantic salmon was anything but an artificial presence, maintained only...