Science Cafe New Hampshire takes December off, but SEE Science Center in Manchester still holds its science-chat-in-a-bar session, called Science on Tap. Its held at the Stark Brewing Company, 50 Commercial St. in Manchester, on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 6 p.m., and the topic is drones. Panelists are Nate Miller, lead R&D engineer for BirdsEyeView Aerobotics, and Christopher Georgia, a certified commercial drone pilot. Free, of course.
As for SCNH, we’re setting up next year’s schedule. Wednesday, Jan. 4 in Nashua will discuss cybersecurity, in light of the Dyn attack and plenty of other online malfeasance; Tuesday, Jan. 17 in Concord will discuss electric cars. Other topics in the works: New Hampshire demographics, the placebo effect, seasonal affective disorder, and the science of composting.