September is almost here, which means New Hampshire is about to resume its title as The Science Cafe Capitol of the Western Hemisphere after a summer hiatus.
Science Cafe New Hampshire is well into its sixth year in Nashua and Concord, while the SEE Science Center’s Science on Tap in Manchester is entering its – third? fourth? – year. By coincidence, Science on Tap and the Concord SCNH are discussing the same topic with the same panelists. But it’s a really good topic – the science and technical issues facings ARMI, the new regenerative medicine R&D project coming to Manchester Millyard. They’re all free, of course.
- Here’s the September schedule:
Tuesday, Sept. 5, Science on Tap: Regenerative Medicine, featuring ARMI officials Richard McFarland, Chief Regulatory Officer, and Tom Bollenbach, Chief Technology Officer. 6 p.m. at Stark Brewing Co., 500 Commercial Street – and you need Eventbrite tickets to get in. Details are here.
Wednesday, Sept. 6, Nashua Science Cafe NH: The Science of Coffee. Panelists haven’t had their second cup yet this morning so we haven’t confirmed them. Killarney’s Irish Pub in Nashua, starting at 6 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 12, Concord Science Cafe NH: “Will they build human organs in the Manchester Millyard? Issues that the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute will tackle”. ARMI officials Richard McFarland, Chief Regulatory Officer, and Tom Bollenbach, Chief Technology Officer. The Draft Sports Bar, 6 p.m. (Note that this is different from Concord’s usual third-Tuesday-of-month schedule)
I believe Portsmouth discussions will also be running again eventually, but a schedule has not been released.
Soo Portsmouth is third class ..and Browns south shore { when rebuilt }is not considered ,nor Exeter… Send script and I will read.. not Math just Non M .engineer / designer..
How many micro curias per year at 0 height above soil? in Concord.