It hasn’t been that many years since I first heard the phrase “citizen science” but nowadays it’s all over the place. You can do everything from counting frogs to deciphering handwriting on 18th-century ship’s logs to helping NASA find exoplanets.

To celebrate this growth, and perhaps lure some volunteers, New Hampshire Sea Grant, Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership, the Gundalow Company, and UNH Cooperative Extension are holding an event called Stories from the Field, a night of live storytelling that celebrates citizen science in the Granite State. Volunteers will tell stories of scientific discovery on Friday, Dec. 8 at 6 p.m. at 3S Artspace in Portsmouth.

More than 25 New Hampshire citizen science organizations will be at the Stories from the Field, showcasing the work they’ve accomplished throughout the state. The event also includes food, a cash bar and a DJ. (A DJ??? Maybe instead of telling stories, the people should the citizen science version of Dance Your Ph.D. Thesis)

Questions about this event may be directed to Abigail Lyon of the Piscataqua Regional Estuaries Partnership, or (603) 862-3729.

Or you can register here 


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