NHBR reports (read it here) on a couple of electric-car-related bills passed by the Senate, one of which “would require that the state Department of Transportation provide signs on highways alerting drivers to the availability of charging stations” among other things.
This reminds me of a story I wrote last year about a group of Keene folks who won a national competition about how to plant for electric vehicles. A major component was the recommendation of consistent signage. This is the article I wrote about it 24 years ago:
If you want to see something more recent, last year’s update in the Concord Monitor story is here.
The current NH bills would also let the PUC set the electric rates for the charges, and give the owner of a charging station the right to charge for the electricity without being considered a public utility – one of those wonky obstacles that ordinary people don’t think about – as well as setting up a commission to see how to encourage and pay for such charging as part of a regional Multi-State ZEV (zero emission vehicles) Task Force.