There’s been a lot of attention given to ARMI, the Advanced Regenerative Medicine Institute being established in the Manchester Millyard, partly because it’s cool but mostly out of hopes that it will be a tech niche where New Hampshire can dominate.
Or maybe not just New Hampshire.
In a sensible move recognizing that state borders are sometimes irrelevant, the New Hampshire High Tech Council is cosponsored a discussion about the ARMI on Thursday, April 5 from 5:30 to 8 pm at the DEKA Auditorium, 400 Commercial St. in Manchester along with the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council and the North Shore Technology Council. Good move: If this really is going to succeed New Hampshire can’t indulge in the enjoyable but self-defeating pastime of bashing Massachusetts, as we are wont to do.
More details about the April event can be found at the NHHTC site, here.