“Can a Master of the Universe be nice?”
That’s the excellent start to an interesting article in the Valley News about the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth trying to add some humanity to students being trained in a field where being an asshole is often seen as a positive – after all, Steve Jobs was one!
In the first revision of its admission criteria in more than 15 years, Tuck is taking into account “emotional intelligence, empathy and respect for others” when it evaluates the more than 2,500 applications it receives annually for the coveted 290 or so slots in its first-year class.
Tuck’s new admissions criteria is “part of a broader trend in business schools putting a much greater emphasis on interpersonal skills,” said Karen Marks, former associate director of admissions at Tuck who now runs her own Hanover-based firm advising students seeking admission to business school. The emphasis on EQ is “not unique to Tuck, but Tuck was one of the pioneers — it’s really what they’ve been looking for all along. They just didn’t have a manifesto on it.”
Read the whole story here.