The Union-Leader has a piece about $10 million from Stonyfield, the yogurt folks, to develop ways to improve agriculture so that it absorbs rather than emits carbon into the atmosphere. (You can read it here).
The initiative will work to develop a new open-source platform called OpenTEAM (Technology Ecosystem for Agriculture Management), which was announced Wednesday. The goal is to provide quantitative feedback for millions of acres of farmland by 2024 that will help farmers trap more carbon in the soil, which will be good for the soil and the atmosphere.
Britt Lundgren, Stonyfield’s director of organic and sustainable agriculture, said Stonyfield has been looking at the issue of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture for more than 15 years, but has thus far fallen short on solutions.
Figuring out ways to keep carbon in the soil, or even sequester atmospheric carbon there, could be a major tool in fighting the climate emergency as I’ve noted before this stories like There’s lots of carbon trapped in the soil, and we really want it to stay there or biochar in Vermont.