Dartmouth Engineering has been named a collaborator on a new National Science Foundation effort to locate Antarctica’s oldest ice and learn more about how the Earth’s climate has changed throughout history.

The Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX), will be created under a five-year, $25 million Science and Technology Center award. The center, led by a team at Oregon State University (OSU), will bring together experts from across the US, including Dartmouth Engineering professor Mary Albert, to advance efforts to address climate change and its impacts.

“What we’re after is to see how the Earth behaves when it is warmer than it has been in the last 1 million years. In order to do that, we have to find and collect ice cores that go back that far. Drilling ice cores is super hard, very expensive and can take years of planning. We’ll be doing a lot of modeling and also developing new tools to help us pinpoint the best locations to search.”

You can read more about the project here.

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