A few years back, as part of my drive to create a historical highway marker honoring the creation of the BASIC computer language, I complained that too many of New Hampshire’s highway historical markers focus on buildings, bridges and politicians; very repetitive.
Maybe they listened! This is the latest marker, No. 273, near the intersection of N.H. Routes 27 and 156 in Raymond:
“In 1930, while living in Raymond, Frank J. Mafera patented a method of forming wire fence fabric that was appealing for residential use as it was safer and more attractive, yet still strong. Prior to this innovation, chain link fencing was woven in a way that left ‘ragged or unsightly’ twists or barbs. Mafera’s technique produced a closed, rounded configuration that is still used in the manufacturing of some chain link fencing. This fence style was first sold at Mafera’s Barnyard Fence Company in Raymond, which later became the New Hampshire Fence Company.”
If you missed the drive to create the BASIC historical marker, this is the 2018 article that kicked it off: https://granitegeek.concordmonitor.com/2018/08/16/nh-historical-markers-arent-geeky-enough-and-were-going-to-fix-that-starting-with-basic/