It takes a honkin’ big battery to power an EV fast-charging station, but that’ s how a two-vehicle station in Weymouth, Mass., works, according to this Boston Globe story. Using a battery lets them sidestep a shortage in transformers.
The battery can be recharged by conventional (single-phase) transformers,which utility National Grid added to a pole across the street. The gray, barrel-shaped transformers, commonly seen hanging off utility poles, are not in short supply, unlike higher-voltage ones required for fast-charging stations without a battery. S
David B.-
Just IMHO…
Charge a battery to charge a battery? Electrochemical energy losses due to serial inefficiency and a wasted big battery. Transformers outlast batteries, are more efficient, and would prove to be cheaper in the long run..
Just another gimmick to promote the idea that EVs can replace ICVs without a massive electric infrastructure upgrade. One that would dwarf the TVA, but few talk about this.
Optimism is fine, but a little more pessimism might be called for to avoid disappointment.
-Dave E.